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Green road to final resting place

electric hearse

Mourners in Torbay and Devon can now arrange a more environmentally friendly send off for their loved ones thanks to the introduction of a new electric-powered zero-emission hearse.

Funeral Partners are one of the first funeral businesses in the south west of England to introduce the green machine to their fleet of vehicles.

The more environmentally friendly vehicle option is available at Torbay & District Funeral Service and Drakes of Torbay Funeral Service, both in Torquay, Maunders Funeral Service in Paignton, J H Way Funeral Services in Dawlish and Teignmouth, Exeter & District Funeral Service, Burnham Funeral Services and Richard Marsh Funeral Services in Highbridge, Somerset.

Sandra Murphy, Area Development Manager for Funeral Partners in the south west, said the reaction to the new Nissan Leaf vehicle had been very positive since it has taken to the road.

“It’s all about offering choice,” she said. “More and more, you will find many of the deceased may have had an electric car themselves or lived a life where they were passionate about the environment or conscious about climate change, so being able to offer that opportunity can only be a positive thing.

“It looks almost identical to a regular hearse just a little smaller with no middle seat, so you do not lose anything with the look and feel.”

David Salsbury, Funeral Service Operative at Torbay & District Funeral Services said: “It’s nice to drive – very mobile and nimble which helps with the sharp corners and tight bends which are quite common around here. 

“It’s very quiet. When you pull up to a crematorium it feels very dignified and there is a genuine sense of serenity because of the lack of noise. 

“We’re seeing more and more interest in funeral choices that may have a reduced impact on the planet such as eco burials – funerals which are very environmentally friendly – and I am sure the Leaf will be very popular there. People like to have a choice to feel they are making a difference in small ways with the choices they make every day that may be more environmentally friendly.”

Please contact us at you would like to arrange a funeral with the electric hearse.

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